The obvious site for selling your unwanted stuff is eBay. Certainly, it’s a great site, but be aware it’s not always the best option. If you think you might have something of value on your hands, use something like Antique Vault to point you in the right direction. Meanwhile, specialist item sites like Sell My Mobile and Music Magpie could earn you that little extra bit wonga. When selling anything online, be sure to provide a detailed description and good images; you don’t want to end up with unhappy buyers. Oh, and always factor in postage when deciding on a price.
Car boot sale
With the age of the internet, the car boot sale has been forced into the shadows. After all, why bother getting up at 6am on a Sunday morning when you can simply flog stuff on eBay? Actually, there are a few reasons. First of all, you may find that selling stuff at a car boot is easier. Sure, you’re going to have to physically take and sell your stuff, but then again, often selling something online involves a trip to the Post Office anyway. By going to a car boot, you’re much more likely to sell items because potential buyers can actually pick them up and touch them. Added to that, you can use your personal charm and bargaining skills to make a sale. That option isn’t open to you online. Finally, by being at a car boot sale, you may well come across other items that you really do want in your house. If you don’t fancy the idea of a car boot at all, why not hold a garage sale at your place.
Keeping it local
Big items such as furniture will require personal pickup. The problem with this is that people aren’t often prepared to pay heaps of money for something they’ll have to travel miles to get (and maybe even have to rent out a van to transport). A way around this is to advertise whatever you’re selling in local circles. Use local newspapers, newsletters and word of mouth to tell people what you’re selling. That way, people who live close by will get to know about what you’ve got, and transport won’t be an issue. Friends and family should be alerted as to what you’re getting rid of too; if they take something off your hands in the first place, you’ve been saved a lot of hassle!
Charity shop
It’s not always straightforward reselling certain items like books and clothing these days. Unless you happen to have a first edition Shakespeare or one of Marilyn Monroe’s old dresses, it might be that it’s not worth even attempting to flog some things. But instead of unwanted things down the tip, thus adding to the planet’s woes, do the charity shop donation. This doesn’t necessarily mean piling everything you don’t want into a bin liner and leaving it on the step. Charity shops these days are particular with the quality of items they sell, and they often waste a lot of time sorting items. Go through your leftovers, be brutal with them, and give only the cream of the crop to your charity shop. The rest, you should recycle.