Comic Relief is this coming Friday and to celebrate, our blog is giving you some last minute ideas for cleaning up for charity. By giving up a bit of your free time this week, you can help make your community cleaner and maybe save a life or too into the bargain.
It’s a fundraising classic, and guaranteed to earn charity coppers. First of all, get together a few friends who’ll be happy to help you for a morning or afternoon. Make a list of cleaning tools you’ll need (e.g. sponge, car shampoo, squeegee, etc.). It’s also important to have a big enough area in which to clean at least one car. Wherever you’re holding your charity car wash, make sure you have permission to use the space, and it’s not situated anywhere that will inconvenience others. Advertise beforehand as much as possible on social media, and with posters. That said, you should be able to pull in plenty of customers off-the-cuff, especially if you organize your car wash to be on the weekend.
Instead of giving your odds and ends to a charity shop this week, set up your own stall in the garden or garage, and make the money for Comic Relief. If you want to pull in a few more punters, blast out some upbeat music, and offer some refreshments: coffee, tea and red icing cake should do the trick.
If you live in a close-knit neighbourhood, turn yourself into an odd-job man (or woman) for the day. Pop round to your friendliest neighbours, and offer to do something useful such as window cleaning, hedge trimming, path sweeping, or whatever else you feel comfortable doing. If you don’t know whoever you’re going to visit, then who knows – this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship!
Everyone knows that one of the best fundraising stunts is to make yourself look stupid. There’s something about doing this that prompts people to virtually throw cash at you. Ideas? You could take a dirty bath (think baked beans, lemonade, or treacle) out the front of your house. It might be that you agree to go to work with your face painted, or maybe even dressed up in full drag and slap (definitely check with the boss first). Other dirty ideas include offering yourself up to have custard pies thrown in your face, or completing a muddy cross-country run. You’ll feel mucky at the time, but when you’re taking a hot shower later on and counting up how much money you’ve raised, it’ll all be worthwhile!