
July 2, 2017

Stocking Fillers for Clean Freaks

Forget the satsumas and Toblerones! If you really want to impress your clean freak of a partner/friend/relative, then you’ve got to get them a present they’ll […]
July 2, 2017

How to Stay Clean and Fresh While Travelling

Being on the move poses a double threat to cleanliness and hygiene. Not only are you more likely to be exposed to germs, dirt and the […]
July 2, 2017

Keeping Kids Out of the House This Christmas

There’s a lot to get done over the Christmas season. And while it’s wonderful to have the kids around the house, sometimes you just need to […]
July 2, 2017

Christmas Cleaning Tips

Christmas is one of the most exciting times of the year. It’s also one of the messiest. Use Spotless’ festive keep-clean tips, and your house will […]