Keeping Clean and Tidy at a Festival

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Keeping Clean and Tidy at a Festival

The festival season is almost upon us. It’s a time for letting off steam, dancing in the sun (and mud), and cramming in as many of our favourite bands as is physically possible. For music fans, festivals can be paradise. But every paradise has its problems, and in this case, the big one is cleanliness. Here are Spotless’ tips for staying festival fresh.

 Keeping Your Pitch Pleasurable

Start out right with your festival pitch, and you stand an infinitely better chance of keeping it clean(ish). Don’t pitch your tent at the bottom of a hill. If it rains (and it will), then you’ll be flooded, which in a worst case scenario can ruin the rest of the festival for you. Stay away from any main walking thoroughfares too; otherwise people will be constantly trampling through your pitch. And don’t pitch up too close to the toilets. Yes, it’s handy to have them nearby, but not so close that you can smell (and hear them) all night. Yuck.

 Keeping Supplies tidy

There’s a temptation to take tonnes of supplies to a festival, loading up on food, drink and clothes. Some festivalgoers take BBQs, patio furniture and marquees too. Having creature comforts like this can be, well, comforting, but be sure you’re actually going to use everything; less is always more at a festival. Keep any food and drinks you do take in a cool box (and the same for any medicines you might have). Oh, and bin bags are a godsend when it comes to collecting litter and worn clothes. Keep the smelly stuff far removed from the clean.

 Keeping Yourself Fresh

Forget your usual beauty regime. At festivals it’s all about staying clean and fresh with as little effort as possible. Wet wipes are literally the best thing you can have at a festival, so ensure you take plenty. Hand sanitizer is also rather wonderful. It may be that you go four or five days without a shower; if you really feel you need one, get up very early to avoid the crazy queues. Clothes such as trousers, shorts and jumpers should be kept to a minimum. But make sure you have enough underwear and t shirts to wear fresh each day of the festival. Brushing or combing your hair a few times daily will keep it largely free of mud, insects, bits of rubbish and who-knows what else.


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